Homa Gallery

Reimagining the City

Reimagining the City

Narges Hashemi

About Golestaneh

About Golestaneh

Ali golestaneh

Try to Be a Rainbow

Try to Be a Rainbow

Hossein Tamjid

Rare Forest Poem

Rare Forest Poem

Monir Zendeh

Plants in Continuance

Plants in Continuance

Kasra Golrang



Taher Pourheidari

Teapot and Iris Series

Teapot and Iris Series

Masoud Aslani

Studio Visit

Studio Visit

Saba Manouchehri

Don’t Gaze at Me

Don’t Gaze at Me

Shantia Zakerameli

A World Without A Few Thin

A World Without A Few Thin

Arsia Moghaddam

Prose Poem, Short Ones

Prose Poem, Short Ones

Pouriya Parhizkar

Romantic Structures

Romantic Structures

Ghasem Mohammadi

The Ugly Duckling

The Ugly Duckling

Amir Farhad



Najva Erfani



Kasra Golrang