
Short Reviews

on Iranian

Contemporary Art


یحیی دهقان‌پور

Yahya Dehghanpour

Studying literature in Tehran University and photography in San Francisco, inspired and educated by great photographers of the world and a lasting and hard-working figure in the academic field of Art in Iran is undoubtedly no one but Yahya Dehghanpour.

The passionate and memorable boy of those years and the energetic and interest maker of these years has always been inspiring for Iran’s contemporary photography as a creative photographer and valuable person. To understand the importance of his different look, it is enough to review his photographs from Forough’s funeral in 1960s, or his urban landscapes from America in 1950s, to his different pictures from the revolution in 1979, the mainstream urban landscapes in 80s and collages and manipulated pictures in 90s and 2000s to his ironic photographs in his last exhibition, to notice his aesthetic delicacies and critical beliefs.

Yahya Dehghanpour has been doing photography for several years in our valley of art, happily and without any claims, with ultimate accuracy. He is motivating and protects his enduring heritage. His heritage is teaching, morality and endless curiosity and not giving up while hardships. Overcoming egoism and trying to create in any situation, has made a lasting and credible character of him in the eighth decade of his life. What higher credit than this, that today he is watching many artists, teachers and students that he has taught himself.

We take our hat off to him and his generation who were insatiable in acquiring knowledge and honorable in the human path, had no expectation in their teaching and acted unlimitedly in creativity. They were lights to the path of next generations and lived their life in an immoderate path and in the sinusoidal destiny of life chose to remain honorable.