
Short Reviews

on Iranian

Contemporary Art

Exhibition Review

نمایشگاه آخ گالری ایرانشهر


In Shahrooz Sadr’s paintings, mostly the colorful layers fill the entire surface and cover what is below. He does not insist to do his pictorial expression with technical happenings, but tries to present the digital pre-sketches of his work and save his drawing features as obsessively as possible; a method that is one of the characteristics of his work.

His recent exhibition at Iranshahr Gallery, entitled “Ouch”, includes three large oil paintings on canvas with bright gray colors. His work is what gets implemented in the form of painting, according to the time possibilities; it is neither old or nostalgic, and exactly narrates what is displayed. If we want to check his work in the area of the Iranian painting, he does not use the patterns of identity that some visual artists follow in their works, rather his visual language is straight and honest; like writing diaries with a lot of humor.

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