
Short Reviews

on Iranian

Contemporary Art

Exhibition Review


“Negative”* is the title of Kimia Rahgozar’s exhibition in Etemad Gallery.

Based on her statement, Negative is the only statue with the same back and forth. Resembling the Negative to a statue contains a kind of delicacy that is visible in how the works are presented in metal frames and their placement on the glass.
The Negatives presented are simply expressing the objects or things that seem important to the artist which are not relevant to the concept of truth and the real essence of photography.      

A women’s high heel shoe is places in a separate room with a text beside it:
For my mother…
The one who left
This, that is left.

Seeing this work and the poetic sentences next to it, we will find out more about artist’s personal narration in this show. Playing with the words, having the Negative as an element and the combination of poetic texts on the wall might be a deterrent factor to the references artist has in her mind or the audience expects and does not go beyond that in this show.

* In photography, Negative is a kind of film which is processed and fixed in order to be visible in room light.