
Short Reviews

on Iranian

Contemporary Art

Exhibition Review

Deeply Human Pieces

Golara Jahanian defines the exhibition as three separate pieces to displays her negatives and the space of O gallery has also helped her in this regard.

“Perspectives”, “places” and “bodies” have sometimes interfered, though they have been separated; something that she has also referred to in the statement.

An important point about this exhibition is the sensual connection with the works. In “perspectives” there is no point of emphasis and the lack of identity in pictures looks intentional. In “places” photos have been captured regardless of the common aesthetic and the scene has been taken from the eyes of the narrator at the moment. Finally, in “bodies” audience is faced with an aura of the people that anyone can be imagined instead of them and it helps him to see himself not in front of the frame, but in the scene.

It shall be said that by capturing personal moments through a common concern (with a large number of her audience) and recording video notes, she has moved on the edge of a blade that falling out of that could have turned it to a personal memoir of million people, but despite of some mistakes in some images, the move has been in a right direction.

Photo Gallery