We remember the earlier works of Shohreh Mehran by some covered semi-constructed buildings. This urban space was gradually incorporated with student girls until where they became the overall structure of her paintings. Her works in exhibition shows student girls wearing uniforms in the wind with their faces covered with wrinkles of their scarves.
Apart from the changes made by software, the use of photography tools is obvious in works of Shohreh Mehran. Here the paintings show the girls in a moment in wind and photography has taken the role of documenting it, yet the painting has failed to go beyond the photograph. The relation between the figure and the space is not narrative. The bright blue used for uniforms is more to make the works attractive and is far from their annoying meaning and soulless color in reality; various girls who follow a compulsory social rule.
In this series instead of storytelling or referencing to different objects, artist only shows some figures in different poses.