
Short Reviews

on Iranian

Contemporary Art

Artists’ Views

Gohar Dashti

I cannot write briefly on Iran’s contemporary photography; cause the result would be either vague and confusing, or boring and useless as the usual complains. That is why I prefer to write about 2004; when Mitra Tabrizian came to Tehran at the invitation of the Museum of Contemporary Art. Those years, I was a photography student, fascinated by the cinema, and together with my friends, we for living. I loved making images in the studio, but on the other hand, finding a place in Iranian photography seemed so impossible to me, as moving from another city to Tehran and finding a place to live in the capital was already too difficult.
However, the words of Tabrizian that year opened up a new door to me that changed my path and stayed with me up to this day. This is a memory of those years when museums, universities and cultural centers in Iran had responsibilities for global art communication and artists were not left alone in their progress, as the growth of contemporary artists will never be achieved in limited and closed borders.

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