
Short Reviews

on Iranian

Contemporary Art

Exhibition Review

Event Horizon

“Event Horizon” presents an installation of photos and structured forms. With the photographs we are confronted with a geological phenomenon called sinkholes that artist has documented in black and white with a pinhole camera and also images of trees cut down in Valiasr Street. There is also a mass made in circle form in front of the images.

The highlight of this exhibition is the environmental concerns of the photographer who confronts us with what is about to happen. What Nader Koochaki emphasizes on in the text of press release is that focusing on these events, draws the attention to the process of a territory’s desertification as an environmental problem, but also addresses human intervention as an activity that shapes the landscape.

By creating a circular surface in the space Kimia Kamvari invites the audience to step on it as a sinkhole, though its texture and color prevents this impression.

This is where the relevance of the sinkhole, felled trees and the mass in overall space is lost and the “horizon of new perspectives” mentioned in the exhibition’s note does not happen. 

Photo Gallery